Sunday Feb 11, 2024

Government VS the Flag

The President doesn't define "OUR FLAG", we do! The Government insults our country, our freedom and our fellow men, and woman of our military that stitched every single thread in that flag by the breath they gave to make it wave. People who take this for granted should find their way to the other side of our border to the countries that people are continuously trying to escape from to come here. You are not an American. You are a hypocrite, and a misrepresentation of what those stars and stripes stand for. so, sit down, shut up, or get the hell out. Or better yet, stand up, speak up, and show some respect at your place at the table in those country. I am not a proud American because of our Government. I am a proud American because of our men and woman who represent our military armed forces. There is a difference. Our President forgets. Our military wishes they could. To all that serve(d) thank you for your service. It is because of you that the world is a better place. GOD bless you!

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