Dee, Let Me Clear My Throat

I’ve created this site to touch base on things that others may feel, say, or wish were said more often. I’m passionate about pretty much, you, me, our Nation, GOD and everything in between. It’s not intended to patronize anybody, nor is it to state that I’m an opinionated person that isn’t willing to listen or try to understand others.

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Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Being bullied as a child can take a toll on your mental and well-being while growing up. What happens though when that childhood bully grows up to be an adult? Or better yet, that bully is one of your own family members? In this episode, I will go over ways to deal with the family bully. I will discuss what a family bully is, effects of family bullying, boundaries, how to avoid getting emotional, knowing your self-worth, as well as some of my own experiences in my own family. Please join me in this podcast as well as my others. You can also check out my YouTube channel as well @letmeclearmythroat. 

Monday Mar 18, 2024

There are certain times in our lives that we experience certain life changing events, such as a birth of a child. As a new parent emotions and hormones can run havoc on your mental well-being. If you are a significant other or someone other than the birth parent, noticing, responding and understanding the severity of Postpartum Depression and Psychosis can be the difference between life and death. In this episode I go over key factors, what to look for and even some possible resources. Feel free to check out my other Podcasts on here or on my YouTube channel.

Postpartum Depression

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Postpartum Depression is no joke and nothing that deserves to be judged or made fun of. It affects the well-being of not only the mother but the child as well. If left untreated, the symptoms can get worse and even deadly. There is no timeframe, no zip code, no nationality, no religion, no color and no discrimination in Postpartum Depression. In this episode I go over what to look for, how to counteract and also some of my own personal stories. If you are suffering in any way, please know that there are resources out there that can help. You are not alone in this battle you feel inside.

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Finding a way to cope with the effects of depression can take a harder tole on some people more than others. Knowing how to counteract these moments can not only help overcome these effects but, can also be the level of strength needed to save your own life. While many may think that a person can just "get over it", the person living with the piercing sound of their own internal mental cries, wish that were the answer to their prayers. Instead, they may feel that they are not worth the prayer at all. Sadly, there are more and more people that suffer a level so dark that the light can sometimes feel like their only alternative.   

Adjustment Disorder

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Everybody responds or reacts to situations and scenarios differently. Most of the time people find ways to cope and won't even think much about it. While others, it may become a huge part of them that can leave them feeling ways that are not always understood or even thought to be a real thing in life by others. Identifying and understanding in itself can be overwhelming. Resources and help are available. I am hoping that this podcast may also shed some light in the direction of those that need it and help them to cope with a disorder that one may not even knows exists.

Let's Talk About "US" Baby

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Let's talk about us baby. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things we can be. Let's talk about us.
How to overcome relationship stress.....together

Thursday Feb 15, 2024

You can't put a time limit on the intense level and severity of loss and grief. You don't just "get over it". Especially, when the grief impacts your inner being to the point of no return. How do you cope? How do you function? How do you live when nothing makes sense anymore? When every breath suffocates you. In this Podcast I will talk about different levels of grief, different coping strategies and of course my own thoughts and personal experiences.
You can also join me on my YouTube channel @deeletmeclearmythroat.

Government VS the Flag

Sunday Feb 11, 2024

Sunday Feb 11, 2024

The President doesn't define "OUR FLAG", we do! The Government insults our country, our freedom and our fellow men, and woman of our military that stitched every single thread in that flag by the breath they gave to make it wave. People who take this for granted should find their way to the other side of our border to the countries that people are continuously trying to escape from to come here. You are not an American. You are a hypocrite, and a misrepresentation of what those stars and stripes stand for. so, sit down, shut up, or get the hell out. Or better yet, stand up, speak up, and show some respect at your place at the table in those country. I am not a proud American because of our Government. I am a proud American because of our men and woman who represent our military armed forces. There is a difference. Our President forgets. Our military wishes they could. To all that serve(d) thank you for your service. It is because of you that the world is a better place. GOD bless you!

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

This is part two of my previous podcast, Prosecuted Outside the System, Part One. Being a convicted felon can place necessities out of reach for some. Employment, housing, custody and/or visitations of their child/children and even certain constitutional rights are used as societies version of a life sentence to add roadblocks and continuous prosecution to a rehabilitated and time served human-being.

Sunday Jan 28, 2024

Are you being hired for who you are as a person and the good qualities you could offer? Are you hired to give an employer a tax break and extra money in their pockets? Or are you finding nothing but roadblocks in a world that continues to sentence you for a crime that you already served time for? How can the system "rehabilitate" and release you free with time served all to face a life sentence to society being convicted over and over again? This is part one of several topics I plan to talk about regarding this subject as well as other factors that I feel need to be addressed. Sometimes it's not always just the "convicted" that need the rehabilitation. I feel the system needs some of its very own "rehabilitation" as well.


Let Me Clear My Throat

Let's touch base on things that matter; you, me, our Nation, GOD and everything in between.

We don't need to patronize anybody to be real. Our thoughts, words, ethics and well-being matter and make us who we are in the world...even if it is "our own little world" at times.

We don't need to be opinionated to listen to each other. We all have experiences, opinions, feelings, and amendment rights. However, we can't scream we are a One Nation Under GOD if we continue to take GOD out of our Nation. This only leaves us fighting against odds that are not always in our well-being or favor.

We need to learn to step over our own shadows, take a leap of faith and build our wings on the way down. Learning to flap one wing at a time. Even if it is a little broken, doesn't mean you can't go at your own pace, heal and soar. 

We can't get to tomorrow spending today, tripping over yesterday.

Remembering that even though darkness can make a shadow, it is what shines above us that makes the light. Just because something isn't real to another doesn't make it any less real to you.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so don't forget to look at yourself first. We are all a beautiful masterpiece in this blessing box of life. 

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