Dee, Let Me Clear My Throat
I’ve created this site to touch base on things that others may feel, say, or wish were said more often. I’m passionate about pretty much, you, me, our Nation, GOD and everything in between. It’s not intended to patronize anybody, nor is it to state that I’m an opinionated person that isn’t willing to listen or try to understand others.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Riddle Diddle Dee, I see Something You Can't See...Do you remember playing this game as a kid? Boy, I sure Do. That is how most of us killed time with one another and even learnt our colors. Maybe as an adult you play it with your kids, and as a teacher you might use this to teach your kiddos colors and learn creativity. What if we take out trying to find and see colors and add different things instead. Like maybe, animals, cars, flowers, landmarks. Or maybe instead we replaced it all and try to point out who matters most, who is more important, or maybe who we can make fun of. Let's take it deeper than that, and talk about a reality that can be seen, but maybe not with your own eyes.
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
You matter, your thoughts matter, and your life matters. You don't need to be a Barbi doll type or a prince charming want-a-be, to have a spot in this world or in your own life and happiness. Just because someone doesn't see, look or feel the same way you do doesn't mean you are not real, that in itself matters. So, your mental as society may call it, what is their superpower? Darkness can't be a shadow without a light reflecting from behind. The in between is YOU!!
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
The elderly & disabled are huge targets of fraud, disceptation and abuse. Often becoming a victim and left to settle on what they say, merely because companies can legally deceive and make them feel trapped in a situation with no other choices. Find resources to protect yourself! There are organizations equipped to help you & understand the support you deserve. Don't fall victim into their monopoly game. You are your biggest advocate! Speak up! Your voice may just be what needs to be heard.
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
Sunday Jul 23, 2023
I’ve created this site to touch base on things that others may feel, say, or wish were said more often. I’m passionate about pretty much, you, me, our Nation, GOD and everything in between. It’s not intended to patronize anybody, nor is it to state that I’m an opinionated person that isn’t willing to listen or try to understand others.
Let Me Clear My Throat
Let's touch base on things that matter; you, me, our Nation, GOD and everything in between.
We don't need to patronize anybody to be real. Our thoughts, words, ethics and well-being matter and make us who we are in the world...even if it is "our own little world" at times.
We don't need to be opinionated to listen to each other. We all have experiences, opinions, feelings, and amendment rights. However, we can't scream we are a One Nation Under GOD if we continue to take GOD out of our Nation. This only leaves us fighting against odds that are not always in our well-being or favor.
We need to learn to step over our own shadows, take a leap of faith and build our wings on the way down. Learning to flap one wing at a time. Even if it is a little broken, doesn't mean you can't go at your own pace, heal and soar.
We can't get to tomorrow spending today, tripping over yesterday.
Remembering that even though darkness can make a shadow, it is what shines above us that makes the light. Just because something isn't real to another doesn't make it any less real to you.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so don't forget to look at yourself first. We are all a beautiful masterpiece in this blessing box of life.